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Annual Filing of Public Limited Company (Non XBRL)

All about Filing of Public Limited Company (Non XBRL)
Annual filing is a yearly return that is to be done in adherence to the laws, regulations, as stated by the Companies Act, 2013. All companies registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs in ROC sector must file respective form before prescribed period. Balance sheet & Profit & Loss account is required to be prepared at the end of financial year is mandatory to get his accounts to be audited by CA.
Holding of Annual General Meeting 
Annual General Meeting of a newly incorporated company should be held within 18 months from the date of registration or 9 months from the date of closing of the financial year, whichever is earlier. Thereafter Annual General Meeting should be held within 6 months from the end of that financial year.

FAQ's on Annual Filing of public limited company (Non XBRL)

Every public limited company is required to file its annual return and financial statements on or before prescribed due date

If any company fails to file annual compliances on time it will lead to additional fees on Rs. 100 per day for each form. Continuous default in annual compliance may also lead to Director Disqualification, Fine & Imprisonment and Strike Off of Company.

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