Submit simple webform of COVID-19 Compliance by Companies/LLPs
Last date to submit
#23 - 30 March 2020
COVID-19 Compliance by Companies/LLPs
In order to generate greater awareness and confidence on our state of readiness, the MCA is has developed and deployed a simple web form for companies/LLPs to confirm their readiness to deal with the COVID-19 guidelines.
The web form named CAR (Company Affirmation of Readiness towards COVID-19) needs to be filed by an authorized signatory of Companies & LLPs. All companies/LLPs are requested to report compliance using the above mentioned web service instantly, however last date of submission is 30th March 2020.
Be a responsible Startup and get the simple webform based compliance done instantly and submit your readiness to fight with COVID-19.
Link of filing webform is available on MCA Service tab under Company Services in the name of COVID-19 (MCA Services>CompanyServices>COVID-19)
You may refer a sample form for your ready reference on the link
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Compliance submission date is from 23rd March 2020 till 30th March 2020
Still facing issue to fill the form, choose professional below and get the mandatory compliance done instantly.